Friday, January 22, 2010

The Facination of Discovery

Discovery is all around, some can't find it.....It tests our will to find what we're not sure of.  Like Charles Darwin, he discovered The Theory of Evolution.....It was an amazing discovery.  There are many discoveries in life, we discover every day of our natural lives.  It may be a micro discovery or a ginormous all counts.  You can even discover things about yourself that you never realized before.  There are worlds of possibilities!  You just need a little push sometimes when you can't seem to find what you're looking for, by friends, family, and any other person you trust.  There is no end to discoveries they go on and on and never stop, like numbers never stop.  If you're the busy kind of person and think you can't discover because you have no time to do so you still can you just really need to look hard and have a open mind.  Never give this advantage up.....


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